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Jackson Pro Series Signature Brandon Ellis Kelly for 2021!

I am extremely proud and honored today to be able to present to you the new Jackson Pro Series Signature Brandon Ellis Kelly for 2021! This ...

I am extremely proud and honored today to be able to present to you the new Jackson Pro Series Signature Brandon Ellis Kelly for 2021!

This is a dream come true, as a lifelong fan of Jackson guitars and long time champion of the crackle finish that I get to now have my own model is surreal! You guys have been asking Jackson for it for years and that's really what I have to thank for this being a reality, so thank you to Jackson and to you guys, my fans, for making this happen. Now go put your money where your mouth is! hahah 🤑

A little bit about the guitar itself, I chose to rep the Kelly shape since it is so traditionally heavy metal in my eyes and also an old school Jackson staple. When I ordered the custom shop this guitar is based on I had never seen a crackle painted Kelly before so I felt it my duty to make it happen. I skipped on the neck pickup because I don't use it at all and it leaves more wood in the guitar, more room for righteous crackle paint, less wiring and less to go wrong. In the bridge position we went with the Seymour Duncan Parallel Axis Trembucker Original, a highly underrated pickup I've been playing for the past decade made by another amazing company. Seymour Duncan have been with me since my very first tour in 2011 and I'm beyond psyched to have this pickup in my signature axe, it wouldn't be right without it. You can read more about the guitar and specs at the link in my bio. Thank you for reading and for celebrating with me what is surely a momentous day in my life! Cheers!

📸 @christieblick
@officialjacksonguitars @seymourduncanpickups @theblackdahliamurder_official #jacksonkelly #jacksonguitars #theblackdahliamurder #2021



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LAPAK BARANG ANTIK: Jackson Pro Series Signature Brandon Ellis Kelly for 2021!
Jackson Pro Series Signature Brandon Ellis Kelly for 2021!
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